le 27 octobre – clinique de site / October 27th – Site Clinic

montreal meetup wordpress clinic

English below

Souhaitez-vous avoir une deuxième opinion sur votre site Web ou celui d’un client? Ce mois-ci, nous tiendrons une clinique de site WordPress, mettant à votre disposition, un panel d’expert(e)s bien outillé(e)s pour répondre à vos questions. Ils ou elles vous offriront des conseils à propos du design, du contenu, de la structure et des fonctions du site. Au courant de l’heure du meetup, nous regarderons publiquement plusieurs sites dans le but d’offrir des astuces utiles et applicables.

Si vous souhaitez soumettre votre site à l’évaluation par notre panel, veuillez vous soumettez et nous en dire plus sur votre site et dans quelle langue vous souhaitez le faire évaluer. À moins que le temps nous le permette, nous ne regarderons que les sites inscrits.

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March 23: Uncle Jake Needs a Website

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Sooner or later, every web designer or developer gets a request for help from a good friend or family member. How do you decide when to say Yes or No? Should you always be paid? How do you manage the expectations and changes to the relationship? What’s different about this kind of ‘client’ and what should you be prepared for? Come and learn the art of negotiating delicate deals that involve loved ones, and how to manage the process so that it doesn’t come back to bite you next Thanksgiving/Christmas.

Belinda DarceyPresenter: Belinda Darcey

Belinda Darcey has been working in web design for 16 years. At her indie design shop, DolceDesign, she creates visuals for websites, mobile apps, billboards, trade show promo pieces, fake tattoos and… well you get the picture. She has bartered and brokered deals with relatives, exes, friends of exes and the odd client.

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Time and Location

Event: Uncle Jake Needs a Website
Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Time: 7-9:00pm
RSVP: Required

Notman House
51 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC H2X 1X2

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February 9: Keeping Your Content Fresh: Strategies for Personal and Business Blogging

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February 9

Keeping Your Content Fresh: Strategies for Personal and Business Blogging

Our expert panelists will share their experiences and tips for crafting compelling content to keep your blog fresh and engaging. Whether you’re blogging for fun or writing for a corporate blog, you’ll come away with practical ideas you can use right away to reel in readers.


Andrea Zoellner is a blogger, content consultant, and recent adopter of the oxford comma. She has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Concordia University and a DEC in Communications. She is a freelance copywriter at Automattic and a marketing consultant at Viki.com, a video streaming service.

Dan Levy is Content Strategist at Unbounce, the landing page builder for marketers. A journalist by training and a marketer by accident, he previously served as Editor of the award-winning multiplatform magazine Sparksheet and as a research assistant at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Jennifer Doré Dallas is a corporate dropout turned travel blogger at Moi, mes souliers, a freelance writer and community manager for diverse clients in different sectors. Passionate about the IT world and the mysterious realm of blogging, she has been navigating the WordPress interface for years.

Liesl Barrell is the co-founder and CEO of Third Wunder, a digital agency specializing in marketing for brands looking to change and disrupt how we do business around the world. She’s an award-winning agency veteran, a seasoned writer, public speaker, and passionate community leader for women in technology.

The panel will be bilingual and questions taken in French or English.

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Time and Location

Event: Keeping Your Content Fresh: Strategies for Personal and Business Blogging
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
RSVP: Required

Centre cloud.ca (formerly RPM)
420 Guy St.
Montreal, QC H3J 1S6
Métro: Gare Lucien-L’Allier

If you want to be invited to future events please sign up for our email newsletter.

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Sarah Semark

November 10: The Unbearable Likeness of Design: How to build a unique WordPress site

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The Unbearable Likeness of Design: How to build a unique WordPress site

Why do so many websites look the same? To answer this question, we’ll first look at trends in web design over its short history, and examine how modern tools and practises have contributed to a more homogenous-looking internet. We’ll examine the web design process from two perspectives—the designer’s and the developer’s—and discuss how the blurring of those roles impacts design. Along the way, we’ll discuss the various merits of following or bucking trends. Finally, we’ll offer some constructive advice to help you—whether you’re a designer or not—add an individual touch to your WordPress designs.

Sarah SemarkSarah Semark designs and develops themes as a Theme Wrangler at Automattic. A former Montrealer now living in the UK, she has never been any good at sitting still. She’s been to 45+ countries and she starts to get antsy if she hasn’t crossed a border in a month. You can usually find her tapping away anywhere there’s a power outlet—from ramshackle Soviet sleeper trains to a hut in the Amazon. When she’s not busy conquering foreign lands, Sarah likes obsessing over typography, collecting impractical footwear, and drinking glasses of wine the size of her head.

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Time and Location

Event: The Unbearable Likeness of Design: How to build a unique WordPress site
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
RSVP: Required

Centre cloud.ca (formerly RPM)
420 Guy St.
Montreal, QC H3J 1S6
Métro: Gare Lucien-L’Allier

If you want to be invited to future events please sign up for our email newsletter.

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September 21: WooCommerce Meetup

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Sell all the things

Sell All The Things: Getting the Most Out of WooCommerce
Fifteen members of the WooCommerce team will host an Ask Me Anything-style meeting for this month’s meetup. They’ll focus on helping you get the most out of using WooCommerce, and will include some short presentations on a few unique things you can do with the plugin. Whether you’re looking to start an online store, are a freelance developer seeking an invoicing solution, or just aiming to sharpen the tools in your WordPress toolbox, you’ll pick up something useful at this unique meetup.

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le 19 mai: Contenu multilingue et WordPress

English text below

En 2013, le grand débat qui devait enfin tout régler n’avait évidemment rien réglé. Si on nous donnait un dollar chaque fois que quelqu’un demande quel plugin utiliser pour le multilingue, on pourrait sûrement payer la bière à tout le monde qui sera présent à cette présentation.

Cette fois-ci, il n’y aura pas de débat. On va d’abord parler de tout ce que ça implique, un site multilingue. Nous présenterons les meilleures pratiques et nous discuterons avec des traductrices et gestionnaires de contenu de sites multilingues pour en savoir plus sur ce qui se passe « dans la vraie vie ». Enfin, nous présenterons chacune des solutions disponibles en ce moment dans l’écosystème WordPress. On vous le donne en mille: il n’y en a aucune qui est parfaite. Sinon, on ne pourrait pas payer la bière!

Animation: Élise Desaulniers et Alexandre Simard – associés, Desaulniers Simard

Élise Desaulniers a redécouvert le plaisir d’écrire avec WordPress et blogue maintenant sur Voir et Penser avant d’ouvrir la bouche. Elle a déjà formé une centaine de personnes à l’utilisation de WordPress et réalisé plusieurs dizaines de sites de toutes tailles. Elle a été conférencière à toutes les éditions du WordCamp de Montréal depuis 2012. Auparavant, Élise a été analyste et directrice de compte chez Diesel (maintenant SidLee) avant de passer du côté client chez Air France/KLM, où elle a occupé les postes d’analyste des marchés et de responsable pricing pour le Canada. Elle est également connue comme auteure et spécialiste de l’éthique animale.

Alexandre Simard gagne sa vie depuis 2009 comme développeur indépendant spécialisé en WordPress. Il a été conférencier à (presque) toutes les éditions du WordCamp Montréal. Alexandre a « programmé » son premier site web en 1998. Son fureteur favori était Netscape 2.02. Depuis ce temps, il a occupé tous les corps de métier du web (designer, intégrateur, programmeur, analyste, chef d’équipe) dans tous les types d’entreprise (startups, agences de publicités, firmes conseils). Alexandre est lui aussi auteur, bien qu’il s’attaque à des sujets moins importants qu’Élise. Son premier ouvrage s’intitule Yves, le roi de la cruise.

Avec la participation de:

  • Anne-Sophie Cardinal, traductrice. Anne-Sophie parle couramment français, anglais, hébreu et espagnol. Elle a notamment travaillé pour une compagnie de localisation de logiciels et d’applications mobiles en Israël.
  • Lysanne Latulippe, designer et associée, String Theory Scarves. Lysanne a géré son site multilingue elle-même pendant des années avant de se décourager et nous appeler.
  • François Burra, UX designer et Product Owner chez bluenove. François a contribué à plusieurs projets d’applications multilingues sur les dernières années, avec son lot de défis !

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April 29: Harness the Power of Time Travel with Version Control

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Harness the Power of Time Travel with Version Control

Have you ever accidentally deleted a few lines of code that brought your WordPress theme into a bleak empty white page with no way of recovering the lost code? With revision control, travelling back in time is a breeze. Join Alex Dankoff and journey through time and space, using revision control as our Tardis.

See how quickly you can become the Time Lord of your WordPress code, creating alternate time branches and merging these multi-verse timescapes back into a single unified code base. Have you dreamt of a world where alternate realities of your code can coexist in multiple environments? Where travelling a year back in time through your code was as easy as a single command? A world where all of your code exists in a single space and can be collaborated on and shared quickly and easily? Perhaps the Doctor Who analogy is a bit much, but you get the gist.

In this session, Alex will guide you through setting up a project in GitHub and Bitbucket, from account creation and key generation to branching, committing and pushing code. Your world will never be the same.

Alex Dankoff is a senior PHP and front-end web developer with a decade of interactive marketing experience, creating innovative user experiences and complex system architectures for start-ups and multinationals.

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Keeping Your WordPress Safe

February 26: Keeping Your WordPress Safe

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Keeping Your WordPress SafeOur next event focuses on security!

Let’s face it: you never want to wake up one morning with your WordPress install hacked – or even worse, your clients’ sites.

Google flags your URL as malware. Your hosting company disables your account. Your email accounts end up on blacklists. Anything like this can put your reputation and your business in jeopardy – and that’s if you’re aware of it. A hacker can even take over a site without your knowledge!

Security is a crucial topic for every WordPress user. This event will feature of a presentation by Carl Alexander covering best practices around the configuration and maintenance of your WordPress site, followed by a “show and tell” segment. Come share your own best practices with the community. You might even learn a thing or two in the process!

Time and Location

Event: Keeping Your WordPress Safe
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2015
Time: 7-9:30pm
RSVP: Required

420 Guy St.
Montreal, QC H3J 1S6

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If you want to be invited to future events please sign up for our email newsletter.
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January 27: The Business of WordPress Panel & WordCamp Update

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It’s time for our first event of 2015!

The Business of WordPress Panel Discussion – Many of us run our own small businesses or do freelance design and development work. Our panel will share tips, gotchas, and advice on the business side of WordPress: from pricing and proposals, to project and client management, and everything in between.


WordCamp 2015 Update – Before we jump into the panel, the WordCamp Montreal organizing committee will give an update on where they’re at with plans for this year’s event.


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October 23: “Things you wish you knew…” event

Veuillez retrouver la version française plus loin.

oct23-meetupCome tell your tale at our next event: “Things you wish you knew when you started using WordPress”!

This show-and-tell event will give you a chance to share with the community things you wished you’d known when you first started using WordPress. It could be a must-have plugin, a piece of knowledge from the Codex, a third-party tool, a handy code snippet, a business-related tip, or anything else you can think of.

You’ll have up to five minutes to present your tidbit to the group. If you’d rather just watch, that’s OK too!

Continuer de lire « October 23: “Things you wish you knew…” event »