January 27: The Business of WordPress Panel & WordCamp Update

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It’s time for our first event of 2015!

The Business of WordPress Panel Discussion – Many of us run our own small businesses or do freelance design and development work. Our panel will share tips, gotchas, and advice on the business side of WordPress: from pricing and proposals, to project and client management, and everything in between.


WordCamp 2015 Update – Before we jump into the panel, the WordCamp Montreal organizing committee will give an update on where they’re at with plans for this year’s event.


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December 4: WordPress Montreal Holiday Social Meetup

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WordPress Montreal Holiday Social Meetup

Sponsored by MailPoet

Holiday Social Meetup

This event is sold out. We are currently checking with the venue to see if we can open up more tickets. Please check back for updates.

Looking for one last WordPress fix for 2014? Well look no further. We’re organizing a new WordPress Montreal Social Meetup just in time for the holidays!

So come out and network with WordPress locals, have a few drinks, meet up with old friends and make new ones, and come discuss all the cool things you have been doing!

This year’s event is sponsored by MailPoet – « Newsletters, Post Notifications, & Autoresponders in a WordPress plugin ».

This event is free and open to all, but an RSVP is required as space is limited. Cash bar.
Continuer de lire « December 4: WordPress Montreal Holiday Social Meetup »

November 13: So You Want to Be a WordCamp Speaker

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So You Want to Be a WordCamp Speaker:

A practical workshop for beginners

So You Want to Be a WordCamp SpeakerHave you considered presenting at a WordCamp but thought you didn’t know enough or felt like an imposter? Does the idea of speaking in front of a group set your knees quivering and your heart racing?

During this hands-on session we’ll look at what’s stopped you from speaking in the past – and explore how to move past your fears. We’ll delve into practical techniques for choosing a topic, writing a proposal, crafting presentation content, and making great slides.

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October 23: “Things you wish you knew…” event

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oct23-meetupCome tell your tale at our next event: “Things you wish you knew when you started using WordPress”!

This show-and-tell event will give you a chance to share with the community things you wished you’d known when you first started using WordPress. It could be a must-have plugin, a piece of knowledge from the Codex, a third-party tool, a handy code snippet, a business-related tip, or anything else you can think of.

You’ll have up to five minutes to present your tidbit to the group. If you’d rather just watch, that’s OK too!

Continuer de lire « October 23: “Things you wish you knew…” event »

September 25: WordPress Social Meetup

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It’s already been a month since WordCamp Montreal. We’re organizing a new WordPress Montreal Social Meetup to celebrate the end of summer!

So come out and network with WordPress locals, have a few drinks, meet up with old friends and make new ones, come discuss WordCamp Montreal 2014 and discuss all the cool things you have been doing!

Continuer de lire « September 25: WordPress Social Meetup »

June 10: WordPress developer_meetup()

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It’s been a little while since our last meetup, but we have working hard to get you a great one for you this month. We hope you can join us this time as we are  lucky to receive Automattic’s Team Mercury.

They have agreed to join us for a unique evening geared to developers itching to dive into some more advanced WordPress topics, along with a sneak peek at some cool new projects like o2.

Continuer de lire « June 10: WordPress developer_meetup() »

February 27: WordPress « Plugin Slam »

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Instead of the usual developer meetup, we decided to organize a « Plugin Slam » event this month!

This plugin show-and-tell event will give you a chance to share a plugin you love or that does something cool, and tell the group why you recommend it. It could even be a plugin you’ve developed yourself. If you like, you can share a list of your must-have plugins that get installed on every site. Everyone will get five minutes to present, but if you’d rather just watch that’s OK too.

Continuer de lire « February 27: WordPress « Plugin Slam » »

WordCamp 2014 Planning Meeting

The organizers of WordCamp MTL 2013 are meeting up to begin planning for WCMTL 2014, this summer. We invite members of the community who want to be involved to join us to discuss logistics and programming of WCMTL as well as to accept task assignments so that we can start working on this ASAP. If you plan to attend please RSVP on the facebook event listing for … Continuer de lire WordCamp 2014 Planning Meeting