We’ve started planning for WordCamp Montreal 2011 and we want to make it the best yet. Help us out by telling us what you think. We’ve set up a short online form. Help us by filling it out. The survey will close on Wednesday, February 9.
English form: http://bit.ly/dEHcLV
The survey is now closed! Thanks everyone! See the bottom of this post for a summary of the results.
Nous avons commencé de planifier pour WordCamp Montréal 2011 et nous voulons que ce soit encore mieux cette fois-ci. Aidez-nous en partageant vos opinions. Nous avons crée une formulaire courte. Aidez-nous en la remplissant. Le sondage serait retiré mercredi le 9 février.
Formulaire en français: http://bit.ly/e9mvVV
Survey Results Summary
When and Where
61% want weekend
57% want UQAM
46% want Matt
46% want equal fr and en speakers
37% want equal number technical vs. non-technical
30% want equal number males and females
46% want 2 tracks
17% want 3 tracks
(63% want multiple tracks)
61% want 2 day conference
11% want 1-day conference
22% want 1 day conf. + 1 day social
41% want panel discussions
35% want case studies
33% want tutorials
Top Talk Topics:
61% themes
54% content strategy
54% seo/marketing
54% wp for business
52% social media
48% blogging
39% app dev
39% plugin dev
39% underlying technologies
33% wp for non-profits
33% programming
15% wp in education
9% wp and law
-Clearly identify talks as expert/beginner.
-more interactivity (round tables, etc.)
-better info on talks beforehand
-identify tech prereqs for talks
-green space
-schedule (gestion de l’horaire)
Crazy ideas
-women’s t-shirts
-wp swag for sale
-tags on name badges (developer, blogger, etc.)
-talk show like ConFoo report
-micro-talks on non-code topics
-more links to other tech groups/events
12 people volunteered to help the day of the event.
More cupcakes?
HI, I am just getting started with WordPress and need to learn and absorb as much as I can to redevelop a couple of seites, set up some blogs and launch my new company. I have never attended a WordCamp so I am not sure what I would want different but for me, any type of seminar, workshop, training, tips & tricks, how to’s etc… would be more than welcome.
I noticed that last year the camp was late August…. will that be the case this year?
Until then, other than books, WordPress site and YouTube presentations, where/what can I do to get sufficiently involved to learn what I need to create a decent set-up which will not have to be re-invented entirely later on when I learn more but which can evolve as I add more features?
Thank you for your help
to happen during jazz fest. 🙂
Deux Choses:
– Se sera avec grand plaisir que je serai commanditaire pour l’édition 2011
– Concernant les conférences, je trouve qu’il y a beaucoup de différences entre les participants; il y a des développeurs, des experts mais aussi des débutants et des gens qui s’intéressent à WordPress. Il faudrait organiser les pistes en proposant plusieurs choix : une pour les débutants ( initiation ), une pour les codeurs, une pour les possibilités = seo, cms, réussites, plugins etc…avec des business case.
Voilà !!
Philippe, thanks for offering to sponsor again!
We are planning to once again have only two tracks because it simplifies things and saves money, but it is our dear hope to still cover all the types of talks you propose so that people can get all different kinds of information that will be useful to them.
If you see a hole in our schedule we hope you may also consider doing a talk yourself, I’m sure you could put together a great explanation of any of the ‘initiation’ topics that we can all agree would be invaluable to WordCamp attendees 😀