June 10: WordPress developer_meetup()

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It’s been a little while since our last meetup, but we have working hard to get you a great one for you this month. We hope you can join us this time as we are  lucky to receive Automattic’s Team Mercury.

They have agreed to join us for a unique evening geared to developers itching to dive into some more advanced WordPress topics, along with a sneak peek at some cool new projects like o2.

Continue reading “June 10: WordPress developer_meetup()”

February 27: WordPress “Plugin Slam”

Veuillez retrouver la version française plus loin.

Instead of the usual developer meetup, we decided to organize a “Plugin Slam” event this month!

This plugin show-and-tell event will give you a chance to share a plugin you love or that does something cool, and tell the group why you recommend it. It could even be a plugin you’ve developed yourself. If you like, you can share a list of your must-have plugins that get installed on every site. Everyone will get five minutes to present, but if you’d rather just watch that’s OK too.

Continue reading “February 27: WordPress “Plugin Slam””

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() November 21st, 2013

**** En français plus bas **** Hi everyone! It’s been a little while since our last meetup, but we have working hard to get you a great one for you this month. We hope you can join us this time as we are lucky to have Denise Williams doing a unique talk for us! If you plan to attend please RSVP on the Facebook event listing for the … Continue reading Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() November 21st, 2013

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() April 23rd, 2013

**** En français plus bas **** Hi everyone! We are having another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup on April 23rd. We hope you can join us this time as we are lucky to have Sara Cannon, an out-of-town guest, doing a unique talk for us! If you plan to attend please RSVP on the Facebook event listing for the meetup. If you want to be automatically … Continue reading Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() April 23rd, 2013

Montreal WordPress “Knowledge Exchange” Event – March 21st, 2013

**** En français plus bas **** Hey WordPress Montreal! Instead of the usual developer meetup, we decided to organize a “knowledge exchange” event this month. This is an open free-for-all event where you can bring questions, things you’d like to work on, but require help with. Anything WordPress related that you want assistance with! People from the community will be around to discuss with you … Continue reading Montreal WordPress “Knowledge Exchange” Event – March 21st, 2013

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() November 14th, 2012

**** En français plus bas **** Happy Halloween to everyone!! We are having another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup on November 14th. We hope you can join us this time to go over some new topics related to WordPress. If you plan to attend please RSVP on the Facebook event listing for the meetup. If you want to be automatically facebook-invited to future events please join our … Continue reading Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() November 14th, 2012

Montreal WordPress “Hello World!” Event – March 22nd 2012

Hello again WordPress Montreal! After an engaging 33-comment facebook discussion about the best plugins and strategies to use building a bilingual site, we’ve decided to make this the topic of our second-ever “Hello World!” event, which invites all WordPress users and developers to a learning and discussion oriented meetup that isn’t necessarily about coding (unlike the more regular developer_meetup()). Several community members like Alexandre Simard … Continue reading Montreal WordPress “Hello World!” Event – March 22nd 2012

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() February 2nd, 2012

**** En français plus bas **** Happy new year to everyone!! We are starting 2012 with another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup on February 2nd. We hope you can join us this time to go over some new topics related to WordPress. 🙂 Due to our recent growth, we have changed venue from devLAB (Thanks devLAB!!!) to TP1. It’s still at a very convenient location downtown, … Continue reading Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() February 2nd, 2012

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() October 20th, 2011

**** En français plus bas **** Another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup will happen October 20th. We hope you can join us this time to go over some new topics related to WordPress. 🙂 If you plan to attend please RSVP on the facebook event listing for the meetup. If you want to be automatically facebook-invited to future events please join our facebook group. TIME AND LOCATION … Continue reading Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() October 20th, 2011

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() April 5, 2011

**** En français plus bas **** Another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup will happen April 5th. We hope you can join us this time to go over some new topics related to WordPress. 🙂 If you plan to attend please RSVP on the facebook event listing for the meetup. If you want to be automatically facebook-invited to future events please join our facebook group. TIME AND … Continue reading Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() April 5, 2011