Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() Feb 22, 2011

**** En français plus bas **** Another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup will happen February 22nd. We hope you can join us this time to go over some new topics related to WordPress. 🙂 If you plan to attend please RSVP on the Facebook event listing for the meetup. If you want to be automatically facebook-invited to future events please join our facebook group. TIME AND … Continuer de lire Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() Feb 22, 2011

Tell us what you want for WordCamp 2011

We’ve started planning for WordCamp Montreal 2011 and we want to make it the best yet. Help us out by telling us what you think. We’ve set up a short online form. Help us by filling it out. The survey will close on Wednesday, February 9. English form: The survey is now closed! Thanks everyone! See the bottom of this post for a summary of … Continuer de lire Tell us what you want for WordCamp 2011

WCMTL 2011 Planning Meeting, Thurs Jan 27, 17:30

English Follows Réunion de planification pour WordCamp Montréal 2011, 27 janvier Les organisateurs de WordCamp MTL 2010 vont se réunir pour commencer la planification de WCMTL 2011, qui aura lieu cet été. Tous les membres de la communauté qui veulent y participer sont invités à nous joindre pour discuter des logistiques de WCMTL, ainsi que d’accepter des taches pour que nous puissions commencer à travailler … Continuer de lire WCMTL 2011 Planning Meeting, Thurs Jan 27, 17:30

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() Jan 25, 2010

UPDATE: VENUE CHANGE TO 700 Wellington Unfortunately an issue with the fire department has made devLab (our venue) unnavailable. Instead we will meet at 700 Wellington. Thank you for your understanding. Another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup will happen Tuesday January 25th. We hope you can join us this time to go over some of the topics we didn’t get to at the last … Continuer de lire Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() Jan 25, 2010

Montreal WordPress Developer Meetup November 29th

Another edition of our mostly-monthly developer meetup will happen November 29th. We hope you can join us this time to go over some of the topics we didn’t get to at the last meeting 🙂 If you plan to attend please RSVP on the Facebook event listing for the meetup. If you want to be automatically facebook-invited to future events please join our facebook group. … Continuer de lire Montreal WordPress Developer Meetup November 29th

WordPress Montreal Drinks/Social meetup at Brutopia, Nov 4, 2010

Le français suit. November 7th WordPress users, developers and enthusiasts will meet up at Brutopia to talk about their favorite way of building websites and blogs. Drinking is not mandatory but learning more about WP and getting to know the community better is. Location: Brutopia – 1215 Crescent St – Google Maps link Time: 6:30PM – Night (Last time people were around till the open-mic … Continuer de lire WordPress Montreal Drinks/Social meetup at Brutopia, Nov 4, 2010

Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() Oct 20, 2010

Montreal has a very strong WordPress community with a lot of talented plugin and theme developers. It would be great to get everyone together to talk about current projects, discuss problems you have been encountering and share any solutions you have found. We need to pool our experiences and knowledge so we can strengthen the community. RSVP for the event on Facebook » NOTE: This … Continuer de lire Montreal WordPress developer_meetup() Oct 20, 2010

WordCamp is just a week away! Are you ready? / WordCamp a lieu dans une semaine

Le français suit. We’ve been working overtime to have everything ready for WordCamp and we’re pretty sure it’s gonna rock. A lot’s been going on and we wanted to summarize all the new information in case people missed it on Twitter and the blog. Venue announced: UQAM Coeur Des Sciences, Agora Hydro-Quebec It’s a mouthful but it’s also a great place to have a WordCamp. … Continuer de lire WordCamp is just a week away! Are you ready? / WordCamp a lieu dans une semaine

This company called Adobe sent us some prizes to give away, maybe you’ve heard of them?

Not all companies we approach about sponsorship want to give us money, some of them would rather give us thousands of dollars worth of their merchandise instead. To those greedy companies we have only one thing to say: « Thank you sir, please give us more next year! » Adobe is a perfect example. At this year’s WordCamp we will be giving away enough multimedia software to … Continuer de lire This company called Adobe sent us some prizes to give away, maybe you’ve heard of them? sponsors WordCamp and offers 1$ hosting to all attendees

We are very happy to say that aside from being one of our major sponsors for WordCamp 2010, NetFirms is turning out to be an incredibly fun participant in the event. They’re pulling out all the stops to ensure that WordCamp is an exciting event where people walk away with tons of cool stuff. 1$ Hosting and domains for all WordCamp attendees Seriously. They’re giving … Continuer de lire sponsors WordCamp and offers 1$ hosting to all attendees