Matt Mullenweg Special Q&A session (and Jane Wells!)

We are thrilled to announce that we will be opening WordCamp Montréal with a special Question and Answers session with Matt Mullenweg, the founder/evil genius behind WordPress, and we want to know what questions you want to hear answered. Please post your WordPress question (about the past, present or future of WordPress) in the comments on this post. We will put together a list of … Continuer de lire Matt Mullenweg Special Q&A session (and Jane Wells!)

Registration is open, get your tickets today!

Timed perfectly (i.e. accidentally) with today’s release of WordPress 2.8 tickets for WordCamp Montreal are now available. Register now!   Inscrivez-vous! To keep things simple we are using EventBrite, a site that organizes the process of registering people for your event. Just head over there and the sign up process should be simple. If you have any problems please contact us, we want to see … Continuer de lire Registration is open, get your tickets today!

Venue Confirmed: SAT – Society for Arts and Technology!

Amazing news. The SAT (google maps) is the coolest, most high-tech venue in Montréal and we’ve confirmed that WordCamp Montréal will be taking place there. When we started planning #wcmtl the SAT had construction slotted during the weekend of July 11-12, but it turns out they are available after all, which is a huge stroke of luck for us! From their site: Founded in 1996, … Continuer de lire Venue Confirmed: SAT – Society for Arts and Technology!

Biting the bullet for the official date: July 11-12th 2009

I was asked via email: Hi Sylvain. I was checking to see if you know about the final date for Montreal WordCamp. We’re all trying to book our summer travel plans, some of which overlap with the Jazzfest dates, so it would be very helpful to know the actual date you’re planning the event to be. Could you let me know? Thanks so much! I … Continuer de lire Biting the bullet for the official date: July 11-12th 2009