WordCamp 2010 planned for end of August

Hi everyone! On Friday night there was a WCMTL planning meeting at the Vanilla offices. Brendan Sera-Sriar, Shannon Smith and I (Jeremy Clarke) attended. For now we will form the core team for this upcoming WordCamp, though we want to include everyone in the process. This site (RSS feed), the planning Google Group, our Twitter account and the Facebook Group will all be updated with … Continuer de lire WordCamp 2010 planned for end of August

First WordCamp Developer Meetup this Thursday, Sep 24!

Everyone at WordCamp Montreal wanted more smaller meetups between big events so here’s the first one. Location: Station C :: 5369 Boulevard St-Laurent #430 (mile end) http://is.gd/3silg Time: 7:30pm – 10:00pm 2 presentations, contact jer if you want to present Presentation: NetBeans IDE and other tools for faster programming. Discussion: GPL and WP, paid themes/plugins, legality, sharing. Food and drinks: Please bring some snacks and … Continuer de lire First WordCamp Developer Meetup this Thursday, Sep 24!

Some WordCamp Montreal Videos Now Available

NOTE: THESE VIDEOS ARE FROM WORDCAMP 2009, NOT THE UPCOMMING WORDCAMP 2010. My roomate Arthur (who does amazing work for the under-appreciated TV McGill) is going through the process of digitizing and uploading all of the video he shot at WordCamp. Eventually everything from Room 1 should be available (if you filmed room2 please get in touch with me, I’ll give you the login for … Continuer de lire Some WordCamp Montreal Videos Now Available

WordCamp Montreal Presentation Slides

Lots of attendees were hoping to get access to the slides from the presentations they saw so they could better understand their notes and remember what they’ve learned. I tried to corral all the speakers and get them to upload their slides to Slideshare so that people could easily look through them. Most of the speakers put them up or sent them to me. Here’s … Continuer de lire WordCamp Montreal Presentation Slides

Après une fin de semaine de conférences, iWeb et Microsoft sont fiers de vous gâter!

Nous avons pour vous 2 serveurs dédiés gratuits pendant 12 mois (valeur de 1629$US chacun), des jeux de Xbox 360, des t-shirts geek et plusieurs autres prix très intéressants! Veuillez simplement répondre à ce billet avec votre nom et courriel et peut-être aurez-vous la chance de gagner un des merveilleux prix (ouvert seulement aux participants de WordCamp Montréal 2009, nous allons vérifier avec la liste … Continuer de lire Après une fin de semaine de conférences, iWeb et Microsoft sont fiers de vous gâter!

Full Schedule and Attendee List available, 2 days ’till WordCamp!

We’re getting really close! Are you ready for WordCamp? Here’s some help just in case. Schedule The full daily and hourly schedule of talks and breaks is now available on our site. It’s pretty final at this point but might be changed slightly leading up to the event. Note that there will be coffee and snacks both mornings and lunch the first day but not … Continuer de lire Full Schedule and Attendee List available, 2 days ’till WordCamp!

Annonce pour les journalistes / Press Release for Journalists

Aux participants du WebCamp Montréal: merci de transmettre ce communiqué à tous les journalistes que ça pourrait intéresser. Le créateur de WordPress à Montréal Matt Mullenweg, co-fondateur et créateur de WordPress est en visite à Montréal avec quelques membres de son équipe pour le WordCamp Montréal 2009. Les 11 et 12 juillet prochains a lieu à la SAT, à Montréal, une petite conférence sur WordPress, … Continuer de lire Annonce pour les journalistes / Press Release for Journalists

Volunteers Wanted: Sign up to help make WordCamp Awesome

Since we announced #wcmtl a few months ago tons of people have asked how they can help or lend a hand. To all those people here’s your chance! There’s just under a week until WordCamp. We’ve got almost everything worked out to make sure its a smooth ride, but me (Jeremy) and Sylvain are only two people, and we’ll need a lot of help on … Continuer de lire Volunteers Wanted: Sign up to help make WordCamp Awesome

Afterparty on Saturday Night (11th) at St-Sulpice

Details still to be confirmed, but there will be a WordCamp alcohol-drinking evening after the first day of the conference. Our intended venue is St-Sulpice, a huge bar within easy walking distance of the SAT with an even huger outdoor patio that should be able to fit as many of us as we can wrangle. They also have adequate bar food so people can eat … Continuer de lire Afterparty on Saturday Night (11th) at St-Sulpice